We are a small Inn and our cancellation policies must be more restrictive than a large hotel, we recommend you consider traveler’s insurance to protect your vacation.
A cancellation is very disappointing to both the guests who have decided to cancel and the Inn. In most instances, we will have turned away other guests who would have reserved for your dates.
We strongly suggest Travel Insurance to protect your holiday.
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Harbour Air terminal is located in Porpoise Bay besides The Lighthouse Pub.
Harbour Air,5764 Wharf Road,
Porpoise Bay, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0
The cottage is up 52 uneven and occasionally slippery steps, especially in wet or frosty weather, so access with children can be extremely dangerous and each child will need to be accompanied up and down the steps by a very strong and able parent,
For this reason we restrict the cottage to two small children 3-15 with strong,active and engaging parents who are comfortable supervising their children 110% of the time, as the cottage is in a dangerous environment for children, with slippery steps, hot wood stove, a fast flowing freezing cold creek and active wildlife in the area such as bears and cougars. It is not a place for a relaxing break with children.
Treehouse is an awesome cottage for active parents who are engaged with their children 110% of the time in this stimulating wilderness environment.
In winter you will have the added danger for children of a very hot and difficult to guard wood stove.
There is a queen bed in the loft which is not easy at all to access for young children, the other queen bed is on the main floor, so your children will be sharing a bed a fair distance apart from parents unless each parent is sharing beds with children.